Stimulate Your Immune Function With Beta Glucan β1,3/β1,6
Beta Glucan β1,3/β1,6 derived from baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is the most studied beta-glucan and by far the best documented in terms of immune stimulatory efficacy, mode of action and safety, and is hence considered superior to beta-glucans from other sources.
Enhancing natural immunity promotes an overall feeling of wellness, reduces the duration of being ill, and provides relief from some of the symptoms of illnesses. Our Beta Glucan β1,3/β1,6 raw powder is bioavailable allowing fast absorption into the body providing benefits straight away.
Naturaly Boost Your Immune System Response To
Diseases & Infection
Superior Beta Glucans
Beta-β1,3/β1,6-glucan derived from baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is the most studied beta-glucan and by far the best documented in terms of immune stimulation, and is hence considered superior to beta-glucans from other sources. Beta Glucans trigger a chain reaction that speeds up the body’s reaction to foreign substances by stimulating macrophages (white blood cells) into action.
Better Healthy Digestion
Beta-glucans are naturally occurring complex carbohydrates that belong to a group of sugars known as polysaccharides. Beta-glucans slow down the transit of food so the body can take longer to digest leading to a number of health benefits. When food is digested slower, carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly, which helps to produce more steady blood sugar levels. Beta-glucans also act as prebiotics feeding the good bacteria in your gut and helping balance your gut microbiome.
A Potential Pre-Biotic
β-glucan reaches the large intestine, where it is degraded and metabolized by gut microbiota. At the same time, β-glucan could modulate the structure and composition of gut microbiota by inhibiting the proliferation of harmful gut microbiota and promoting the growth of health-promoting gut microbiota. β-glucan was also able to better promote the growth of Bifidobacterium_longum, which has been connected to better gut health, increased immunity, and improved cardiometabolic health.
Increase Your T-Cells Immune Response
Several clinical studies have shown that Beta Glucan β1,3/β1,6 enhances the immune system’s ability to recognize and destroy harmful foreign cells. Beta-Glucans boost immune cell activity by stimulating T-cells, neutrophils, macrophages, natural killer cells, monocytes, and dendritic cells. The body’s first line of nonspecific immune defense is commonly referred to as innate immune function.
Immunological Boost
Taking our Beta Glucan Supplement with Betas β1,3 and β1,6 will help by giving your immune system a well needed boost. Beta Glucan has been extensively studied for its powerful immunomodulating effect. Studies have shown Beta Glucan can increase resistance to viral, fungal, and bacterial infections. Lowering your chance of becoming sick, whilst increasing your body's ability to fight off disease.
Raw Powder & Plant Based Capsules
For maximum immune response, we recommend either 2 x 440mg capsules or 1g of raw powder, we have both options avaliable. We also suggest they be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. After taking your Beta Glucan, wait 30 minutes before eating or consuming other products. If you forget to take your Beta Glucan in the morning it is safe to go ahead and take your Beta Glucan during the day, although the benefits will not be as significant. Remember, these dosage instructions are for maximum immune response.
Directions For Use
Our Beta Glucan powder and capsules are extremely cost effective, delivering 30 servings per Pouch; that’s 1 month’s supply. Beta Glucan is a great way to support your immune system and energy levels when feeling run down, or you can take it to boost your immune system, help you recover from illness and importantly, help you to feel great.
Simply take 2 x440mg capsules followed by a glass of water in the morning or early afternoon. Or you can add 1g of raw powder to your smoothies, yoghurt, porridge, granola & more.
What are Beta Glucans?
Beta-Glucans are crucial weapons in the fight to stay healthy and naturally boost the immune system. The body doesn't produce Beta-Glucans. so the only way to get them into the body is by consuming them. Beta-Glucans (β-Glucans) are forms of polysaccharides found inside the cell wall of bacteria (such as yeast). Scientific studies have shown that the Beta Glucan β1,3/β1,6 extracted from yeast (scientific name saccharomyces cerevisiae) has been shown to act as a potent immune system activator that triggers a chain reaction creating antibodies to fight against foreign substances.
Stimulate Your Immune Reponse
White blood cells (e.g. macrophages, dendritic cells) are immune cells in the front-line of the defences of the body. The ability of the immune system to quickly recognise and respond to an invading pathogen is essential for controlling infection. Beta-Glucans work by increasing the body's host immune defence by activating complementary systems and enhancing cells' natural killer functions. In short they trigger a cascade of events that help regulate the immune system, making it more efficient.
Immune System Gut Connection?
Gut health and the immune system are very closely linked. For instance, we know that a healthy gut flora mix improves the production of antibodies used to fight disease. Some research suggests that beta glucan could play a role in that process but stimulating the immune system.
This could help us respond more quickly and effectively to diseases and infections, preventing us from getting sick. Beta glucan slows food transit through the digestive system. This has a range of factors, including slowing the absorption of sugar, which can help to regulate blood sugar levels. Beta glucan has also been shown to help lower cholesterol levels as well as to lower blood pressure.
85% Beta β1,3 and β1,6
Your body cannot use nutrients if it cannot absorb them. Our Beta Glucan ensures a minimum 85% absorption rate, the highest on the market in the UK. Our Beta Glucan provides the best value for the best possible formulation, free of fillers, binders, and other unnecessary additives, the only active ingredient is a high dose (1,000mg per serving) of Beta Glucan standardised to contain 85% minimum content of β1,3 and β1,6 chain linkage.
It is clear that the potential of our Beta Glucan to support immune health, gut health and heart health are enough to make them a smart addition to your diet.
How Do Beta Glucan Work?
Once Beta Glucan enters the stomach, it is taken to a region known as the Peyer’s Patches. Here the M cells transport the Beta Glucan to immune cells.
These immune cells then distribute Beta Glucan all over the body. The Beta Glucan then joins to Neutrophils, Macrophages, and Natural Killer cells. This joining of Beta Glucan to these cells is what puts them on “high alert” priming them for action. In about 3 days after taking your Beta Glucan your immune system will be “Boosted & Fully Activated.”
Lower Cholesterol & Enhance Heart Health
Beta Glucan can help boost heart health by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. Triglycerides are one of the most common types of fat in the body. When you combine high triglycerides and bad cholesterol with low levels of good cholesterol your risk of stroke and heart attack increases. The cholesterol-lowering benefits of Beta Glucans have been studied and in these cases total cholesterol levels were lowered by up to 17%, and LDL cholesterol levels were decreased by anywhere between 2 and 16 percent.
Fast Wound Healing
Studies have shown that Beta Glucan can speed up recovery after an injury, wound, or burn and even post surgery or when receiving chemotherapy. Among the well-studied effects of B-glucans we can mention stimulation of both humoral and cellular immunity, metabolic control of diabetes, stimulation of wound healing, stress reduction, attenuation of chronic fatigue syndrome, lowering cholesterol levels, and inhibition of cancer. …Chronic respiratory problems. In Japan, glucan has been widely used , for over 30 years, in the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer.
Improves Recovery Time
Regular physical exercise has positive effects on the immune system. However, prolonged, high-intensity exercise has negative consequences on immunity.
A double-blind controlled trial of 75 marathon runners showed that 250-500 mg/day of yeast beta-glucans for 4 weeks after participation in a marathon significantly reduced the frequency of respiratory tract infections. The treated group also observed a reduction in the feeling of fatigue. The authors of the study suggest that beta-glucans can support the immune system’s proper functioning after intense exercise.
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